Friday, 26 May 2017

Maths:I didn't really get much done when we were doing F.I.O (figure it out)but what i did get done was a ok amount of work.We didn't do much maths because of rotations in the morning.

Reading: I am up to 12 books on the hundred book challenge.I am about to get my pen license hopefully.

Writing: We have been focusing on speeches again.I am ahead on my speech already and have an idea of how i'm going to do it.

Pink shirt day today is to stop bullying at school.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Maths:For maths i found that the work we did on the mat was really easy.The write what strategies you know sort of  caught me off guard.My real favourites of working things out though are:
  • Tidy tens
  • Algorithms
Writing:The speech topics didn't really pop out at me this year.I decided on combining kids today lack integrity and just because we can does it mean we should.I have been looking up some heavy facts for my speech like kids learn from their role models so if someone did something bad and it happened to be the role model they would copy and do the same thing.

Reading:I have finished 5 books for the 100 book challenge.I am enjoying the all activities we are being set except one.Weekly spelling.

Friday, 5 May 2017


Maths:This week we learnt about 3d and 2d shapes like a cylinder a sphere,a cube,a rectangular prism and a triangular prism.The sphere relates to a circle the cube relates to a square.We also did algorithms with 3 digit 4 digit and 5 digit numbers.

Reading:Weekly spelling takes too much time to do and it does’ nt teach me anything.

Writing:We were focusing on speeches for writing this week.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

                                                                          Integrity game

We did jump,under,over find.The little kids loved our game.I enjoyed playing the game with the little kids .Me and Emily and keira did it with me .We also teamed up with William,Braxton and Lewis.The little kids had a great time and we could tell because their were smiles all over their faces.I enjoyed playing with them and they were delighted when we told them that they could keep their prizes!!!!!!!!The little kids were amazing.