Friday, 7 July 2017


Madlibs :I really liked  doing the madlibs but didn't get what Mrs Bryant meant about the
printing two pages and how to set it up and the highlighting and pretty much everything else except that we had to write a story but i liked filling in the words on the madlibs on the computer.😐

Maths: I really didn't like the basic fact test that Mrs Strathern did with us.πŸ™

Auditions:I felt like an absolute idiot doing my audition and i'm pretty sure that i won't  the part i wanted.πŸ˜ͺ

Matariki :I liked doing the matariki art with room three,It was fun and i think me and my buddies ones turned okay. πŸ™‚


Tuesday, 4 July 2017


Large ball skills :

Music:We are playing heathens by 21 pilots .We have been practicing for 8 weeks and have had 1 or 2 practices a week.Music was my favorite because we got to learn how to set up the microphones and use the speaker.

Gym:I really hate the beam now.The best thing about gym was that we got to the vault.We have been practicing for gym sports and it wasn't the best rotation out of all of them .

Large ball skills: I wasn't that keen on doing large ball skills.I did like doing soccer kicks with Mr Mathews.Basketball was the worst.